Cassina Design Talk: Exploding artistic inspiration through the lens of Patricia Urquila

Cassina Design Talk: Exploding artistic inspiration through the lens of Patricia Urquila

Professional demeanor, meticulous attention to detail, great ability to inspire – are three outstanding keywords to talk about Patricia Urquiola, the “muse” of the interior design industry after the seminar: “The Reflections on the Past, Present and Future of Interiors took place on the morning of September 15, 2017 in Ho Chi Minh City, on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the establishment of the Cassina brand.

Storm of Inspiration Named Patricia Urquiola

As expected, the workshop “The Reflections on the Past, Present and Future of Interiors” attracted more than 600 attendees very early. As if understanding the thoughts of design enthusiasts in general, and those who admire Patricia Urquiola’s designs in particular, Cassina reserved a large space at The Reverie Saigon to “entertain” show attendees. present a stimulating and satisfying “visual” feast that exceeds expectations!

Cassina Design Talk: Bùng nổ cảm hứng nghệ thuật qua lăng kính của Patricia Urquila


Cassina’s exhibition space at The Reverie Saigon


Appearing very early at Cassina’s exhibition space, Patricia Urquiola easily impressed everyone with her friendliness and openness when talking to partners and attendees. However, the most outstanding thing about Patricia Urquiola is the fire of passion within her that is transmitted very strongly through enthusiastic sharing about solutions to improve daily living spaces as well as stories surrounding her projects. works here. In addition, it is not difficult to recognize the perfectionism and meticulousness of Patricia Urquiola when she took advantage of the time before the conference started to discuss and check with colleagues, make sure everything went smoothly, and also to ensure the best experience for attendees.

Cassina Design Talk: Bùng nổ cảm hứng nghệ thuật qua lăng kính của Patricia Urquila


Patricia Urquiola with her work at Cassina’s gallery


That precious personality trait is shown even more clearly through Patricia Urquiola’s valuable sharing when standing on stage as a speaker. To summarize Patricia’s words, even though she is in the position of Creative Director, she does not consider her position as something to elevate herself. On the contrary, holding a higher position makes Patrica have to be fierce and absolutely careful in everything. all activities, events, design and art standards related to Cassina’s brand.

When Inspiration Really Spreads!

As one of the inspired young people at the workshop, Bui Duc Huy (21 years old), currently an international student in the US, majoring in Design & Communication shared: “I learned a lot from Patricia in color coordination methods, material handling and interior space arrangement. Among her works, I am most impressed with the Il Sereno hotel on the shore of Lake Como, her space design with wooden slats that can be freely arranged to change the light in the room without having to go through the steps. any electronic device. To me, it is a “very human”, very humane design. Because from the idea to the function and aesthetics of wooden slats, it is truly a rare breakthrough in the design world, allowing users to have complete autonomy in deciding the light source and light direction in the most comfortable way. with your own mood.

Cassina Design Talk: Bùng nổ cảm hứng nghệ thuật qua lăng kính của Patricia Urquila


Patria Urquiola shares openly on stage about her works and design experiences

Besides, Mr. Benji Mac, (29 years old), CEO of DOLCECOLOR Company – An Hung Interior Fabrics, was also very excited: “For me, this is a quite interesting conference, this is not just a sharing about design but also about Italian culture with a combination of tradition and modernity. Even though it has been around for 90 years, Cassina’s designs are never outdated. Above all, since Cassina collaborated with Patricia Urquiola, the brand seems to have flourished, because Patricia’s designs are always full of spontaneity from natural materials found in the landscape surrounding each person’s residence. client.”

Cassina Design Talk: Bùng nổ cảm hứng nghệ thuật qua lăng kính của Patricia Urquila


The auditorium with more than 600 spectators in attendance seemed to “swallow every word” of the multi-talented “muse”.

“The thing that excites me the most is the walkway at the exhibition area in Barcelona. Ms. Patrica designed two fast walkways – unadorned and slow – with extremely eye-catching designs. To me, this is really an idea that is both smart and not too wordy or forced, helping us slow down a bit to appreciate the artistic values ​​that are happening around us. like the message of the exhibition “Sometimes life’s rush makes people forget the moments of enjoying beauty”. To Quyen (22 years old), a Fine Arts student, said.

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